Cummings diesel engine QSB4.5, QSB5.9, QSB6.7, QSC8.3, QSL9repair maintenance fault code
Fault code diagnosis and elimination
◆(ch06-fc0001) 排氣壓力傳感器 1 電路 - 電壓高于正常值,或對高壓電源短路
( ch06-fc0001) the exhaust pressure sensor1circuit voltage higher than normal, or on high voltage power supply circuit
◆(ch06-fc0002) 排氣壓力傳感器 1 電路 - 電壓低于正常值,或對低壓電源短路
( ch06-fc0002) the exhaust pressure sensor1circuit voltage lower than normal, or to low voltage power circuit
◆(ch06-fc0003) 排氣壓力傳感器 1 號電路 - 數據不穩定、間斷或不正確
( ch06-fc0003) the exhaust pressure sensor1circuit - data is not stable, discontinuous or incorrect
◆(ch06-fc0004) 排氣溫度傳感器 1 號電路 - 數據不穩定、間斷或不正確
( ch06-fc0004) of the exhaust temperature sensor1circuit - data is not stable, discontinuous or incorrect
◆(ch06-fc0005) 排氣溫度傳感器 1 電路 - 電壓低于正常值,或對低壓電源短路
( ch06-fc0005) of the exhaust temperature sensor circuit 1- voltage is lower than the normal value, or to low voltage power circuit
◆(ch06-fc0006) 排氣溫度傳感器 1 電路 - 電壓高于正常值,或對高壓電源短路
( ch06-fc0006) of the exhaust temperature sensor1circuit voltage higher than normal, or on high voltage power supply circuit
◆(ch06-fc111) 發動機控制模塊嚴重內部故障 - 智能設備或部件損壞
The engine control module ( ch06-fc111) with severe internal fault - intelligent devices or components damage
◆(ch06-fc115) 發動機電磁曲軸轉速/位置的兩個信號都丟失 - 數據不穩定、間斷或不正確
The (ch06-fc115) electromagnetic engine crankshaft speed / position of the two signal is lost - data is not stable, discontinuous or incorrect
◆(ch06-fc122) 進氣歧管壓力傳感器電路 - 電壓高于正常值或對高壓電源短路
( ch06-fc122) the intake manifold pressure sensor circuit voltage higher than normal or high voltage power supply circuit
◆(ch06-fc123) 進氣歧管壓力傳感器電路 - 電壓低于正常值或對低壓電源短路
( ch06-fc123) the intake manifold pressure sensor circuit voltage is lower than the normal value or to low voltage power circuit
◆(ch06-fc124) 進氣歧管 1 壓力 - 數據有效但高于正常工作范圍 - 中等嚴重程度
The intake manifold pressure ( ch06-fc124)1- data effectively but above the normal operating range - medium severity
◆(ch06-fc131) 油門踏板或操縱桿位置傳感器電路 - 高壓短路
( ch06-fc131) the accelerator pedal or lever position sensor circuit high voltage short circuit
◆(ch06-fc132) 油門踏板或操縱桿位置傳感器電路 - 電壓低于正常值或對低壓電源短路
( ch06-fc132) the accelerator pedal or lever position sensor circuit voltage is lower than the normal value or to low voltage power circuit
◆(ch06-fc133) 遠程油門踏板或 1 號操縱桿位置傳感器電路 - 電壓高于正常值或對高壓電源短路
The ( ch06-fc133) remote accelerator pedal or a1lever position sensor circuit voltage higher than normal or high voltage power supply circuit
◆(ch06-fc134) 遠程油門踏板或 1 號操縱桿位置傳感器電路 - 電壓低于正常值或對低壓電源短路
The ( ch06-fc134) remote accelerator pedal or a1lever position sensor circuit voltage is lower than the normal value or to low voltage power circuit
◆(ch06-fc135) 機油壓力傳感器選擇
( ch06-fc135) the oil pressure sensor selection
◆(ch06-fc135auto) 機油壓力傳感器電路 — 電壓高于正常值或對高壓電源短路
( ch06-fc135auto ) the oil pressure sensor circuit voltage higher than normal or high voltage power supply circuit
◆(ch06-fc135mar) 機油壓力傳感器電路 — 電壓高于正常值或對高壓電源短路
( ch06-fc135mar ) the oil pressure sensor circuit voltage higher than normal or high voltage power supply circuit
◆(ch06-fc141) 機油壓力傳感器電路選擇
( ch06-fc141) the oil pressure sensor circuit selection
◆(ch06-fc141auto) 機油壓力傳感器電路 - 電壓低于正常值或對低壓電源短路
( ch06-fc141auto ) the oil pressure sensor circuit voltage is lower than the normal value or to low voltage power circuit
◆(ch06-fc141mar) 機油壓力傳感器電路 - 電壓低于正常值或對低壓電源短路
( ch06-fc141mar ) the oil pressure sensor circuit voltage is lower than the normal value or to low voltage power circuit
◆(ch06-fc143) 機油壓力低選擇
( ch06-fc143) of low oil pressure selection
◆(ch06-fc143b) 機油壓力低 - 數據有效但低于正常工作范圍(中等嚴重級別)
( ch06-fc143b ) of low oil pressure data validation but below the normal operating range ( moderate severity level )
◆(ch06-fc143bm) 機油壓力低 - 數據有效但低于正常工作范圍(中等嚴重級別)
( ch06-fc143bm ) of low oil pressure data validation but below the normal operating range ( moderate severity level )
◆(ch06-fc144) 冷卻液溫度傳感器電路選擇
( ch06-fc144) the coolant temperature sensor circuit selection
◆(ch06-fc144b) 發動機冷卻液溫度 1 傳感器電路 - 電壓高于正常值或對高壓電源短路
The ( ch06-fc144b ) engine coolant temperature1 sensor circuit voltage higher than normal or high voltage power supply circuit
◆(ch06-fc649) 更換潤滑油和濾清器 - 狀態存在
( ch06-fc649) the replacement of oil and filter - state of existence
◆(ch06-fc687) 渦輪增壓器轉速傳感器選擇
( ch06-fc687) the turbocharger speed sensor selection
◆(ch06-fc687b) 渦輪增壓器轉速傳感器 - 低于正常工作范圍
( ch06-fc687b ) the turbocharger speed sensor - below the normal operating range
◆(ch06-fc687cl) 渦輪增壓器 1 號轉速低 - 數據有效但低于正常工作范圍 - 中等嚴重程度
The ( ch06-fc687cl ) turbocharger1low speed data validation but below the normal operating range - medium severity
◆(ch06-fc688) 發動機機油油位 - 數據有效但高于正常工作范圍 - 最高嚴重程度
The ( ch06-fc688) engine oil level data validation but above the normal operating range - the highest severity
◆(ch06-fc689) 發動機曲軸轉速/位置 - 數據漂移、間斷或錯誤
( ch06-fc689) of engine crankshaft speed / position data drift, discontinuous or error
◆(ch06-fc691) 渦輪增壓器 1 號壓縮機進口溫度傳感器電路 - 電壓高于正常值或對高壓電源短路
The ( ch06-fc691) turbocharger1compressor inlet temperature sensor circuit voltage higher than normal or high voltage power supply circuit
◆(ch06-fc692) 渦輪增壓器 1 號壓縮機進氣溫度傳感器電路-電壓低于正常值或對低壓源短路
The ( ch06-fc692) turbocharger1compressor inlet temperature sensor circuit voltage lower than the normal value or on low pressure source short-circuit
◆(ch06-fc731) 發動機轉速/位置傳感器選擇
The ( ch06-fc731) engine speed / position sensor selection
◆(ch06-fc731b) 發動機轉速傳感器/位置凸輪軸和曲軸未對準 - 機械系統反應不正確或調整不良
The ( ch06-fc731b ) engine speed sensor / position the camshaft and crankshaft misalignment - mechanical system response is not correct or adjust the bad
◆(ch06-fc731bm) 發動機轉速傳感器/位置凸輪軸和曲軸未對準 - 機械系統反應不正確或調整不良
The ( ch06-fc731bm ) engine speed sensor / position the camshaft and crankshaft misalignment - mechanical system response is not correct or adjust the bad
◆(ch06-fc757) 電子控制模塊數據丟失 - 狀況出現
The electronic control module ( ch06-fc757) data loss - Status
◆(ch06-fc778) 發動機轉速傳感器(凸輪軸)錯誤 - 數據不穩定、間斷或不正確
The ( ch06-fc778) engine speed sensor (CAM ) error - data is not stable, discontinuous or incorrect
◆(ch06-fc779) 輔助設備傳感器輸入 3 號(OEM 開關)- 根本原因未知
The auxiliary device (ch06-fc779) sensor input number 3( OEM switch) - cause unknown
◆(ch06-fc784) 自適應巡航控制 - 錯誤
The ( ch06-fc784) adaptive cruise control - error
◆(ch06-fc951) 檢測到氣缸功率不平衡
The ( ch06-fc951) detects cylinder power balance
◆(ch06-fc957) EGR 閥位置 - 數據不穩定、間斷或錯誤
The ( ch06-fc957) EGR valve position data is not stable, uninterrupted or error
◆(ch06-fc958) VGT 位置傳感器 - 數據漂移、間斷或錯誤
The ( ch06-fc958) VGT position sensor - Data drift, discontinuous or error
◆(ch06-fc1117) 點火開關未關閉時斷電選擇
( ch06-fc1117) the ignition switch is not closed off when selection
◆(ch06-fc1117auto) 點火開關未關閉時斷電 - 數據不穩定、間斷或不正確
( ch06-fc1117auto ) the ignition switch is not closed off - data is not stable, discontinuous or incorrect
◆(ch06-fc1117mar) 點火開關未關閉時斷電 - 數據不穩定、間斷或不正確
( ch06-fc1117mar ) the ignition switch is not closed off - data is not stable, discontinuous or incorrect
◆(ch06-fc1139) 1 號缸噴油器電磁閥驅動器 - 機械系統響應不正?;虺稣{節范圍。
The ( ch06-fc1139)1cylinder injector solenoid valve drive - Mechanical System in response to abnormal or beyond regulating range.
◆(ch06-fc1141) 2 號缸噴油器電磁閥驅動器 - 機械系統響應不正?;虺稣{節范圍
The ( ch06-fc1141)2cylinder injector solenoid valve drive - Mechanical System in response to abnormal or beyond regulating range
◆(ch06-fc1142) 3 號缸噴油器電磁閥驅動器 - 機械系統響應不正常或超出調節范圍
The ( ch06-fc1142)3cylinder injector solenoid valve drive - Mechanical System in response to abnormal or beyond regulating range
◆(ch06-fc1143) 4 號缸噴油器電磁閥驅動器 - 機械系統響應不正?;虺稣{節范圍
The ( ch06-fc1143)4cylinder injector solenoid valve drive - Mechanical System in response to abnormal or beyond regulating range
◆(ch06-fc1144) 5 號缸噴油器電磁閥驅動器 - 機械系統響應不正常或超出調節范圍
The ( ch06-fc1144)5cylinder injector solenoid valve drive - Mechanical System in response to abnormal or beyond regulating range
◆(ch06-fc1145) 6 號缸噴油器電磁閥驅動 - 機械系統響應不正?;虺稣{節范圍。
The ( ch06-fc1145)6cylinder injector electromagnetic valve drive - Mechanical System in response to abnormal or beyond regulating range.
◆(ch06-fc1228) EGR 閥位置 - 數據不穩定、間斷或錯誤
The ( ch06-fc1228) EGR valve position data is not stable, uninterrupted or error
◆(ch06-fc1229) VGT 位置傳感器 - 數據漂移、間斷或錯誤
The ( ch06-fc1229) VGT position sensor - Data drift, discontinuous or error
◆(ch06-fc1239) 油門踏板或操縱桿位置傳感器 2 電路 - 電壓高于正常值或對高壓電源短路
( ch06-fc1239) the accelerator pedal or lever position sensor2circuit voltage higher than normal or high voltage power supply circuit
◆(ch06-fc1241) 油門踏
The ( ch06-fc1241) accelerator