Cummings diesel engine repair and maintenance fault code QSX15( FIS3666540)
Signature、ISX 和 QSX15 (FIS3666540)
Signature, ISX and QSX15( FIS3666540)
Information fault code
◆(fc143) 故障代碼 143
The fault code 143( fc143)
◆(fc151) 故障代碼 151
The fault code 151( fc151)
◆(fc155) 故障代碼 155
The fault code 155( fc155)
◆(fc211) 故障代碼 211
The fault code 211( fc211)
◆(fc214) 故障代碼 214
The fault code 214( fc214)
◆(fc219) 故障代碼 219
The fault code 219( fc219)
◆(fc287) 故障代碼 287
The fault code 287( fc287)
◆(fc288) 故障代碼 288
The fault code 288( fc288)
◆(fc299) 故障代碼 299
The fault code 299( fc299)
◆(fc415) 故障代碼 415
The fault code 415( fc415)
◆(fc418) 故障代碼 418
The fault code 418( fc418)
◆(fc471) 故障代碼 471
The fault code 471( fc471)
◆(fc595) 故障代碼 595
The fault code 595( fc595)
◆(fc611) 故障代碼 611
The fault code 611( fc611)
◆(fc775) 故障代碼 775
The fault code 775( fc775)
◆(fc776) 故障代碼 776
The fault code 776( fc776)
◆(fc951) 故障代碼 951
The fault code 951( fc951)
◆(ch72-fc111) 電子控制模塊(ECM)微處理器
The electronic control module ( ch72-fc111) ( ECM ) microprocessor
◆(ch72-fc115) 凸輪軸發動機位置傳感器電路
( ch72-fc115) the cam shaft of the engine position sensor circuit
◆(ch72-fc121) 曲軸發動機位置傳感器電路
The ( ch72-fc121) engine crankshaft position sensor circuit
◆(ch72-fc122) 進氣歧管壓力傳感器電路
( ch72-fc122) the intake manifold pressure sensor circuit
◆(ch72-fc123) 進氣歧管壓力傳感器電路
( ch72-fc123) the intake manifold pressure sensor circuit
◆(ch72-fc131) 油門位置傳感器電路
The ( ch72-fc131) throttle position sensor circuit
◆(ch72-fc132) 油門位置傳感器電路
The ( ch72-fc132) throttle position sensor circuit
◆(ch72-fc133) 遠程油門位置傳感器電路
The ( ch72-fc133) remote throttle position sensor circuit
◆(ch72-fc134) 遠程油門位置傳感器電路
The ( ch72-fc134) remote throttle position sensor circuit
◆(ch72-fc135) 機油壓力傳感器電路
( ch72-fc135) the oil pressure sensor circuit
◆(ch72-fc141) 機油壓力傳感器電路
( ch72-fc141) the oil pressure sensor circuit
◆(ch72-fc144) 冷卻液溫度傳感器電路
( ch72-fc144) the coolant temperature sensor circuit
◆(ch72-fc145) 冷卻液溫度傳感器電路
( ch72-fc145) the coolant temperature sensor circuit
◆(ch72-fc147) 頻率油門電路
The ( ch72-fc147) frequency accelerator circuit
◆(ch72-fc148) 頻率油門電路
The ( ch72-fc148) frequency accelerator circuit
◆(ch72-fc338) 怠速停機車輛附件/點火總線繼電器電路
( ch72-fc338) the idle stop vehicle accessories / ignition bus relay circuit
◆(ch72-fc339) 怠速停機車輛附件/點火總線繼電器電路
( ch72-fc339) the idle stop vehicle accessories / ignition bus relay circuit
◆(ch72-fc341) 無開關蓄電池電源電路
The (ch72-fc341) without switch battery power supply circuit
◆(ch72-fc343) 電子控制模塊(ECM)
The electronic control module ( ch72-fc343) ( ECM )
第 TS 節 — 癥狀的故障診斷及排除
Section TS - symptoms for fault diagnosis and elimination
◆(t00-001) 故障診斷及排除的步驟和技巧
The ( t00-001) fault diagnosis and troubleshooting steps and tips
◆(t00-002) 癥狀故障診斷表
The ( t00-002) symptom fault diagnosis chart
◆(t015) 駕駛室節溫器顯示一個故障代碼
The ( t015) cab thermostat display a fault code
◆(t015-1) 駕駛室節溫器不能自動起動發動機
The ( t015-1) cab thermostat can automatically start the engine
◆(t015-2) 駕駛室節溫器不加電
The ( t015-2) cab thermostat without electricity
◆(t033) 發動機加速性能或響應差
The ( T033) engine acceleration or response difference
◆(t041) 發動機減速緩慢
The ( t041) engine speed is slow
◆(t043) 發動機起動困難或不能起動(排氣冒煙)
The ( T043) engine starting difficulty or cannot start ( exhaust smoke )
◆(t044) 發動機起動困難或不能起動(沒有排氣冒煙)
The ( t044) engine starting difficulty or cannot start ( no exhaust smoke )
◆(t046) 發動機風扇不工作或工作不穩定
The (t046) engine fan not working or not working stability
◆(t061) 發動機怠速時運轉粗暴
The ( T061) when the engine is at idle speed running roughly
◆(t062) 發動機運轉粗暴或缺火
( t062) the engine running roughly or misfire
◆(t064) 減速時發動機意外停機或熄火
The (t064) deceleration when the unexpected shutdown or flameout of engine
◆(t066) 發動機低怠速或高怠速時悠車
The ( t066) low engine idle speed or high idling you car
◆(t067) 發動機帶負荷時或在工作范圍內悠車
( T067) the engine load or within the scope of work in you car
◆(t068) PTO 或巡航控制模式發動機悠車
The ( t068) PTO or a cruise control mode engine you car
◆(t072) 發動機能夠起動但不能保持運轉
( t072) the engine can start but can't keep running
◆(t080) 發動機達不到額定轉速(RPM)
The ( t080) engine did not reach the rated speed ( RPM )
◆(t081) 發動機不能停機
The ( t081) engine cannot stop
◆(t083) 故障代碼報警指示燈一直亮(無明顯的原因)
The ( t083) fault code alarm indicator light ( for no apparent reason )
◆(t084) 故障代碼報警指示燈不亮
The ( t084) fault code alarm indicator light is not bright
◆(t087) 燃油消耗過大
The (t087) fuel consumption is too large
◆(t091) 冷卻液中混入燃油
( t091) of cooling liquid is mixed in the fuel
◆(t092) 機油中混入燃油
The (t092) mixed with fuel oil
◆(t095) 不能啟用 ICON™
The ( t095) cannot be enabled for the ICON™
◆(t095-105) ICON™ 指示燈不亮
The ( t095-105) ICON ™indicator light is not bright
◆(t095-15) ICON™ 警報器在發動機起動前沒有發出報警聲
The ( t095-15) ICON ™alarm before the starting of engine no alarm sound
◆(t108-1) 維護保養指示燈一直亮或閃爍
The ( t108-1) maintenance indicator lights on or flashing
◆(t112) PTO 或巡航控制模式發動機不工作
The ( T112) PTO or a cruise control mode engine not working
◆(t116) 大量冒黑煙
The large number of black smoke ( t116)
◆(t118) 大量冒白煙
The large number of white smoke ( T118)