扭振是關于傳動系統激勵頻率對固有頻率影響程度的計算,反映了系統是否存在諧振(共振)的危險程度;主要與系統各組成件的轉動慣量和扭轉剛度 有關,即與設備的結構尺寸有關。
ISO 8528 指定確保扭振兼容性為發電機組制造的責任,珀金斯發動機裝備時刻通過以下方式進行扭振分析
<1> 所需資料:曲軸、皮帶輪等旋轉零部件的慣量及軸的尺寸和剛性;
<2> 可以通過OCD流程進行申請PERKINS發動機的TVA計算,但需收費;
<3> OEM希望自己進行TVA計算,PERKINS可以提供計算所需要的發動機數據;如圖
PERKINS 規定:沒有通過TVA計算的PERKINS發動機安裝是不允許的;否則由安裝引發的任何問題和故障PERKINS不承擔任何保修。
Perkins engine torsional vibration analysis (TVA) Introduction
Perkins engine torsional vibration analysis (TVA) Introduction
1, What is torsional vibration analysis
Driveline torsional vibration excitation frequency is about the degree of influence on the natural frequency is calculated to reflect the existence of the system resonance (resonance) the degree of risk; primarily composed of members of each of inertia and torsional stiffness of the system concerned, that's about the size of the equipment and structure .
Any rotation system will produce torsional vibration, especially single or double bearing alternator, research torsional vibration characteristics is its full device than want.
2, why should torsional vibration analysis
Torsional Vibration analysis is a necessary step before leaving the factory equipped engine equipment is an important part of A & I analysis.
Within a certain range of engine operating speed, which may be sufficient to make the vibration of the crankshaft, flywheel bolts, toothed gear or the like breaking. Point anywhere within the speed range of the hazard occurrence, called "critical speed."
The purpose of the torsional vibration analysis is to calculate the magnitude of the critical point and the rotation speed of the power frequency interference and ensure destruction of critical engine speed exceeds the operating range, and it is obvious to -5% to +10% of the synchronous speed in the range of . Some may be critical speed within the range from the start to 95% of synchronous speed, but these are likely to be considered "safe", through the critical speed immediately, because the "critical speed" of about 1 second through immediately.
However, if the application needs to "full" range, then all the critical speed must be controlled within a safe range.
In the four-stroke cycle, each cylinder pressure is changing moment, then torque at any point is changing. This would lead to "wobble" in the case of crankshaft rotation around its mean position.
When the natural frequency of the shaft torque component in phase with the resonance occurs; severe cases, will lead to the crankshaft fracture
3 How to torsional vibration analysis
ISO 8528 designated responsibility for ensuring the compatibility of torsional vibration generators manufactured by Perkins Engines equipped moment torsional vibration analysis in the following manner
<1> required information: the size and rigid crankshaft pulley and other rotating parts inertia and axes;
<2> can apply PERKINS engines process TVA calculated by OCD, but for a fee;
<3> OEM TVA wants to be calculated, PERKINS can provide the required computing engine data; Figure